Badass Fingersnap: "Parallel Universes" has the Stereo Lovers switch the level between two layouts with a snap and near the end The Fool turns this around on them.Badass Biker: Everyone but Hermit64 rides at breakneck speeds and pull off impossible maneuvers, sometimes even standing atop their motorcycles to clash weapons with each other.After being sliced in two, they reform as the Lovers, each one wearing one half of the mask. Asteroids Monster: The Stereo Lovers start off as a single being wearing a black and white heart mask.Arc Words: Just as much as hearts are a recurring symbol, "wild heart" is a recurring motif that shows up in narration and song lyrics.Antepiece: Excepting the "Heartbreak" levels, which involve the Fool traveling between locations, and a few one off levels like "Night Drift", each area features one or two short levels that introduce the mechanics unique to that Arcana, before a longer boss level where the Fool fights them.Achievement System: The Zodiac Riddles, a set of 24 optional challenges (two for each star sign, one "side A" and one "side B") whose conditions are not explicitly given, but have to be guessed via a riddle.In response, before fading away, the Divine Trio set out to create The Fool to combat them, calling forth a heartbroken woman to bring balance to all.

One day, Little Death of the Arcanum teams up with the Dancing Devils, the Howling Moons, the Stereo Lovers, and Hermit64 to steal all the love for themselves, sealing it away in their wicked hearts. Once upon a time, another, harmonious universe existed beyond ours, called the Astral Highways, and three divine beings called The Empress, The High Priestess, and The Hierophant, watched over it. It was released on September 19th, 2019, for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and for iOS devices and PCs through the Apple Arcade. Sayonara Wild Hearts is a story-driven Music Game/ Endless Running Game hybrid, developed by three-person Swedish independent studio Simogo, and published by Annapurna Interactive.